How to Guide: Job Searching Online

In the past, job seekers only needed to turn to the classified ads in their local newspaper to find a job. Or maybe just talk to a friend or neighbor to see if they knew of any open positions with a local company. Those methods are no longer the best way to find a job in today’s digital-heavy and technology driven work. It’s not as easy anymore and it’s way more competitive. Job searching online can be a complex network of hoops and challenges for any job seeker.

From online job boards to digital networking, there are so many tools job seekers not only need to use, but need to use well. Knowing where to start your job searching online is the first step for the modern job seeker, but it doesn’t end there. Here are a few tips for job searching online:

Define Your Job

What kind of job are you looking for? Do you want a full-time, part time, or temporary job? When you know the kind of job you’re looking for and you know your skillset, then you can begin to narrow down the jobs you’re right for.

Target Specific Companies/Industries

Have you ever dreamed of working at a specific company? Maybe there isn’t a dream company, but there is a dream industry. Either way, make a list and begin following these companies/industries on your social media accounts. Conduct your own research to find out what the work environment is like, what the culture is like, and what kind of people typically get hired.

Refine Your Resume and Interview Skills

Don’t send out your resume without looking it over. Did you tailor it for the job you’re applying to? Your resume is a company’s first glimpse of who you are, so make sure you show them the best version. Further, the interview literally makes or breaks your chances of getting the job, so practice with professionals to brush up on your interviewing skills.

Establish Your Brand

As a job seeker you have a personal brand. For many, this personal brand is haphazard and all over the place. Depending on the jobs you are applying for, this can really hurt your chances. One thing to consider, when it comes to your personal brand is social media. Make sure if your profiles are public that you are being professional while showing off your personality. Don’t over-share and work to represent yourself as an expert.

Create Genuine Connections

For many, networking can be a challenge. It seems there are rules to how you should network, but if you are genuine about creating connections and relationships, then networking becomes easy and fun. Focus on how you can help others rather than how they can help you and you’ll find that others want to help you.

Follow Up (Always)

Whether it’s after an interview, a networking event, or someone helping you practice your interview skills, be sure to follow up. Send an email or pick up the phone; just make sure to thank someone for taking the time to speak with your or help you out.

Do you have any advice for modern job seekers looking for opportunities online? What has been your best/worst experience? Leave your stories and suggestions in the comments section below!