How to Impress a Recruiter

Last week we discussed some of the things you can do to not impress a recruiter. While it important to know what not to do when meeting with a recruiter, it is equally, if not more so, important to know how to impress a recruiter. While you could just do the opposite of the things discussed last week that will not be enough to really impress a recruiter. To impress a recruiter, you need to go above and beyond what you think might work. You need to be prepared for questions, for tests, and for a quick process. Here are a few things you can do to impress a recruiter:

Prepare a Resume

While the position you are applying for may not require a resume, it is still a great idea to have one with you when you meet a recruiter. Even if you filled out an application online and uploaded a version of your resume, bringing a paper copy with you shows that you are dedicated and thorough. Impress your recruiter by being prepared with a resume and show that you care about the opportunity.

Dress Appropriately

The way you dress says a lot about you and your career/job goals. While you do not necessarily need to wear your best clothes (like a suite), you do want to make sure you are dressed appropriately for the job and for your interview. When considering what to wear, make sure that your clothing is free of holes, offensive language, and excessive wrinkles. When you dress appropriately for an interview, you convey that you are highly interested in the position and that you are professional.

Have Questions

If you are going into an interview, it is important to know that you will be asked questions. Practice answering interview questions with a friend or relative before your interview so that you can answer the questions the recruiter has well and completely. However, if you really want to impress a recruiter, have your own questions ready. What do you need to know about the position? What is the work environment like? Remember, by asking questions you show your interest and you will also learn more about the company and position.

Be Punctual

One of the best ways to impress a recruiter is to actually show up on time. Just because you may be applying for and interviewing for temporary positions does not mean it is okay to show up late. When you do show up late, you waste the recruiter’s time, your time, and ultimately the time of the organization trying to hire you. Do yourself a favor and show up on time. Not only does it show you are a punctual and dedicated person, but it will impress the recruiter and could increase your chances of being hired.